Together, we can end period poverty in Montana

Crescent Montana reduces education and health disparities in Montana by providing readily available menstrual products and education materials for students and those in need.
1 in 4 girls in the United States have missed school because they didn't have adequate access to menstrual products. When students don't have the period products they need to confidently and healthily manage their period, it disrupts their attendance, education, and student success.
At Crescent, we believe Montana students have the right to an education without being hindered by poor menstrual care.
We work to eliminate period poverty in Montana by providing free and readily-available period products to Montana schools, with an emphasis on rural, low income and at-risk communities.
Crescent empowers young women, valuing both their health and education, and showing them that the two are not mutually exclusive
Bozeman High School Senior, 2019
This is incredible!! I really appreciate that you are helping provide menstrual hygiene products and reproductive education to schools. Thank you.
By making menstrual products free and available to any student in need, we are helping to dismantle the pervasive stigma that menstrual needs are less important than other daily needs.
Schools provide free toilet paper to our students, what makes period products any different?
During the critical period of adolescence, tackling this stigma is especially important.
Crescent shows Montana students they don't need to choose between being comfortable and healthy and getting an education.
Bozeman High School First-Year, 2019
Summer 2018: two recent high school graduates in a restaurant booth, two plates of pancakes between them, a crescent moon dangling in the sky above them.
Crescent’s two co-founders first began dreaming in the Summer of 2018 after one of them pitched the idea of starting a non-profit over an IHOP pancake dinner. In searching for the best way they could give back to their community, period poverty (although they didn’t know the term at the time) kept popping up. Neither of them knew of a local group addressing the issue specifically in Montana… and sure enough, there wasn’t one.
Fast forward and Crescent Montana is a full-fledged 501(c)(3) non-profit organization dedicated to combating period poverty in Montana. We are overjoyed to continue giving back to our larger Montana community by providing free and readily accessible period products, creating educational menstrual health materials, and working to normalize and de-stigmatize the experiences of menstruation.
Board of
Jay Brito
Dale Hansen
Vice President
Owen Burroughs
Thea Keene
Cass Robinson
Member at Large

Basket Program:
Free Period Products For Schools
In 2018, Crescent launched its School Basket Program to combat period poverty in Montana.
We partner with Montana schools to provide and stock free period product baskets in school bathrooms.
Baskets are designed to be open, inviting, and are accompanied by informational posters containing medically-accurate instructions for safe product use.
request products for your school

Special thanks to:

Orbit Program:
free mail order products
Originally established in response to the COVID-19 pandemic, the Orbit Program still sends free period products right to your front door.
Available to any Montana menstruator who needs that extra bit of support.
Order confidentially online, by email, or by call/text. Choice of pads, tampons, menstrual cups, and period underwear.